Thank You! to our conference attendees and all those who contributed to the FinalConference2016

For the list of Participants, some of the presentations and photos, please take a look to the Documentation and Photo Gallery.



Background & aims

Land is a limited resource. Its use for one purpose excludes others. Increasing demands on ecosystem goods and services puts more pressure on the limited resource. At the same time we intensify agricultural production and thus land use and land use change is a major constituent of greenhouse gas emissions. While being a local scale issue to be managed, sustainable land use has global impacts and is impacted by global processes.

Against this background the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) established in 2010 the research program on “Sustainable land management”. Twelve regional scale projects (see below) and an overarching global scale synthesis and coordination project conducted transdisciplinary research aiming at contributing to the development and implementation of practical solutions for global and regional challenges of land management.

The twelve regional scale projects

The FinalConference2016 aims to draw a conclusion of the BMBF research programme ‘Sustainable Land Management’. Thus the conference is to present results and lessons learned from the individual projects and the programme as a whole gained over the last seven years. Participants of the conference are the project teams, i.e. stakeholders, especially from partner countries and scientists; the BMBF and further ministries, the project management agency (DLR-PT), reviewers, press representatives and selected members of the general professional public.


The conference has three major aims

    • to present and discuss major findings and developments within the scope of sustainable land management

    • to present and discuss the results of projects at regional scale (results to several overarching, cross-cutting topics of general interest, key messages, success and failures, lessons learned)

    • to discuss guidelines for future research agendas and programmes (structure of projects / integrative approaches of inter- and transdisciplinary research, implementation pathways, recommendations for funders)