Scientific Steering Committee

For the organisation of the conference the DLR-PT has convened a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The committee consists of members from the ministry, DLR-PT, reviewers, regional projects and GLUES.

For any content related issues and requests please get in touch with

Andreas Werntze

GLUES project coordination

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Computational Landscape Ecology
Permoserstr. 15 | D-04318 LEIPZIG | - G e r m a n y -

✆ +49 341 235 1816 | ⎙ +49 341 235 1939

Local Organising Committee

For any administrative issues please get in touch with

Ogarit Uhlmann

F&U confirm
Organisation of scientific events
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
T +49 341 235 2264
M +49 173 35 39 301
F +49 341 235 2782