Objectives, Study Region(s)/Spatial Concept

SuLaMa focuses on the development and application of stakeholder-based solutions to replace non-sustainable land use practices under the scenario of global change (growing of human population, the impact of climate change) and prospective land transformation programs associated with mining and export oriented agriculture. Using a participatory approach, a management plan for a sustainable land use will be developed, which is environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and economically viable.

The objectives to be achieved by the project are:

  • Development of robust methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis and evaluation of ecosystem functions and services and for determining the resilience of the given ecosystems
  • Functional and quantitative studies dealing with the dependence of ecosystem functions and services on biodiversity, climate change and land management
  • Analysis of cumulative effects in terms of space and time and recording of transregional secondary and substitution effects
  • Trade-offs and synergies between land management that takes special account of ESS/F and other goals of land use (e.g. food production, climate and biodiversity protection, etc.)
  • Development of socio-economic tools for consideration of ESS/F in land management