Rules / Forum Principles / Community Guidelines

Welcome! We are happy to start a discussion with your about sustainable land management. To keep this discussion substantive and fruitful we ask you to maintain a respectful relationship with each other and to comply with the following rules:

Maintain a respectful interaction!
Your opinion counts – we specifically ask for your comments and constructive critique within the community! Please use respectful and substantive language. The editors reserve the right not to publish or to immediately remove those comments that violate the respectful approach through discrimination or defamation of any kind.

Stay on topic!
The sustainable land management has many aspects. Our work is characterized by various topics, discussions, needs and ideas of sustainable environment and society. All posts and comments should fit thematically and be clearly and understandably formulated – please stay on topic! Posts with advertising or commercial character will be removed by the editors.

Respect the rights of authors and copyright holders!
Please consider third party rights when posting your comments and choosing your username. Only use content for which you own the rights and make sure to include the copyright information when citing.

Protect your personal data!
Contents of the Knowledge Library and the Forum of the Sustainable Land Management website are publicly accessible and can be indexed by online search engines. For this reason we ask you to be careful not to publish any personal information such as postal and email addresses of you or any other persons.

We are looking forward to your participation and contributions to the Sustainable Land Management Forum! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at andreas.werntze(at)

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