Why this conference?


The conference “Transformations in Sustainable Land Management” will offer a great opportunity for scientists, stakeholders and interested professional public to get a concise summary of the major findings from the research programme. Solutions on sustainable land management will be presented which range from local scale conservation, water management, and ecological engineering to global scale synthesis on biodiversity and ecosystem services. It will also provide an exchange platform for lessons learned in large integrative and transdisciplinary projects focussing on diverse aspects around land system research. 

Discussions at “Transformations in Sustainable Land Management” will range from:

  • Policy and societal dimension
  • Results from integrative research projects
  • Outlook into the future of land use research

The Participants and Guests

To share cutting-edge research insights on sustainable land management this invitation addresses all regional project’s teams, scientists and stakeholders from various disciplines (i.e. stakeholders, especially from partner countries and scientists). Furthermore it addresses the funding ministry BMBF and further ministries, the project management agency (DLR-PT), reviewers of the research programme, press representatives and selected members of the general professional public.


>> List of participants [pdf]